Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Jerry Douglas


Just caught Jerry Douglas at the Emerson here in Bozeman last night. The Emerson's kind-of a sad venue... boxy, all seats, pretty bad acoustics, and no beer for sale... Yeah, I know...

Anyway, Jerry and his band were worth it. They're coming around to the Southeast in March, so I recommend anyone with a bluegrass hankerin' to check him out. However, If you're familiar with his his music, you know that this guy transcends bluegrass with his playing. If there's a better dobro player in the world, I'd love to know who it is. Jerry played some bluesy stuff, some cajun, a little bit of island style, and some interesting jazz-like arrangements. He said he came up with one of the songs during a dream, after eating some "popcorn tasting stuff" in Telluride one time. The dream was about Fred Flinstone giving Charlie Parker a ride, with Barney Rubble pushing. It sounded about like that... interesting "Bird" bebop elements with a solid jazz drum foundation and colorful fiddle embellishments. He also told us the story about how he gave Futureman his name... interesting stuff.

All the musicians on stage were impressive, namely the guitar picker...pretty amazing solos.

Damn good stuff... go see him if you want to see one of the better musicians of our day.


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