Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Lochsa

Last weekend I managed to get to the Lochsa for the first time. What a river! Located on the Idaho side of Lolo Pass, only 2 hours away from Missoula by a ’78 Mercedes Diesel lays one of the neatest places in the western US. The forest is old, and the Lochsa runs down a canyon covered in mossy rock. The road runs by the entire length of the kayaking portion of the river, but doesn’t spoil it at all.

The water was crystal clear and freezing cold from the spring runoff. I was a little bit worried about being on a new river for the first run of the season, but the Lochsa allows a paddler to shake off the rust with a few easier class III before building up intensity to later class IV rapids. It was around 4,000 cfs the whole weekend, which is considered medium-low, and allowed some recuperation time between rapids. According to a few of the old-timers we paddled with, at flows over 10,000 cfs things really start to get interesting. The water gets fast, the rapids all run into each other, and the tales of carnage begin to fly.

The lower level made it a great “get to know the Lochsa” trip without causing any ulcers. I’ll be back when the water gets higher, hopefully with pictures next time!

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