Wednesday, February 17, 2010 Receives 2009 ECO STAR Award!

Last Thursday was an exciting day for, as I travelled over to the Capitol building in Helena to accept an Eco Star award. This was an award given out by the Montana State Extension Pollution Prevention Program to small businesses in Montana who are "taking environmentally responsible steps to reduce waste and maximize efficiency, and/or your organization has sustainability at the very core of its mission". I'm proud to say that both of those descriptions apply to Powderfin, and it was an honor to be recognized!

I set up a table in the Capitol Rotunda, showcasing some of the green products Powderfin sells, then met and talked with other Eco Star award recipients from all around Montana. Governor Schweitzer (sporting his signature bolo tie and accompanied by his dog Jag) was the key speaker, and gave a short but pertinent speech about protecting our lands before taking a few photos with the group.

It was nice for Powderfin to be recognized for our dedication to waste reduction and use of re-used and recycled materials. We will continue to improve in this area as we face the challenges of growth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Powderfin!!! atta boy Jay!