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Named after the annual 3-day Buddhist festival that takes place at the Thyangboche monastery, this toasty jacket combines a waterproof/windproof 2-layer hard shell with just enough insulation to
keep you warm in blustery weather. And when the mercury really plunges, you can easily add more layers under it.
Shell: 100% polyester; Insulation: PrimaLoft® One (40 gsm)
Dear Representatives,
I am writing you to voice my concern over HB 309 and its detrimental effects on Montana’s existing Stream Access Law. Rep. Jeff Wellborn (R-Dillon), HB 309 sponsor, is proposing unnecessary changes which threaten Montana’s heralded stream access laws.
As a 10 year resident, homeowner, Montana small business owner, and avid fisherman, this bill would adversely affect my quality of life, my ability to conduct business, and my ability to help promote tourism to the state. I personally have several visitors per year who come to Montana just to fish with me. I’m not a guide, just a proud resident of a state that has (due to the will of its people) chosen to keep public water public. These visitors spend dollars in Montana that they earned Denver, Chicago, San Diego, Omaha, etc., when they visit here specifically to share in what is in my opinion the best attribute of Montana, our public waterways. As you know, fly-fishing tourism brings in millions of dollars of revenue to the state, why jeopardize the jobs and dollars coming into the state for the benefit of a few landowners?
This is yet another attempt by a select few to undermine Montana’s existing laws covering the public’s right to access streams within the high-water mark. I simply cannot see an upside to this bill, other than a few landowners being able to have a bit more privacy and most likely become a bit richer once they introduce pay-to-play “angling clubs” like they do in Colorado. Montana is the last best place, let’s keep it that way.
Mr. Wellborn and those associated with writing this bill did not involve any meaningful discussion with the parties it will most adversely affect — the public — which you are given the honor and responsibility of representing. By using misleading language, this bill seeks to re-define bodies of water with long standing historical public use. This bill is not what the people of Montana want.
I urge you to do everything you can to defeat HB 309.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jay Gill
Bozeman, MT
800-986-0656 - ph
406-587-7506 - fax
ü Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
Send something similar to the following representatives:
Cvvincent@hotmail.com; Ryanzinke@yahoo.com; Tutvedt@montanasky.us;
Sonjumt@yahoo.com; vjack@centurytel.net, clarity@cyberport.net,
ccwhi@blackfoot.net, Shannonjaugare@aol.com, Ripleys@3rivers.net,
Wranglergallery@hotmail.com, Anders.blewett@gmail.com, tropila@mt.net,
ebuttrey@cteq.com, Lcjones@3rivers.net, jpranch@ttc-cmc.net,
Windyboy_j@yahoo.com, hutton4senate@yahoo.com,
senatorbrenden@gmail.com, Donstein@midrivers.com,
elmoore@midrivers.com, apsaalookewoman@yahoo.com,
Glonky@aol.com, Kendallvandyk@gmail.com, Lyndamoss@imt.net,
Garybranae@gmail.com, Jeff@jeffessmann.com, ewalker@edwalker2010.com,
jason@priest2010.com, ronarthun@gmail.com, larry@imt.net,
R_hawks@imt.net, Joebalyeat@yahoo.com, art@wittich4senate.com,
Grt3177@smtel.com, Steve.gallus@gmail.com, murphter5@yahoo.com,
Marycaferro@gmail.com, Kaufmann@mt.net, Davelewisd@aol.com,
genev@q.com, Lakemill@montana.com, Cwilliams@montanadsl.net,
Nancron@aol.com, facey_tom@hotmail.com, daveew@gmail.com,
DryCASE gives you freedom to do anything you want and still stay connected. DryCASE comes with the stereo headphone/ microphone jack so you won't miss a beat. You can stay connected not only by checking emails and the internet on your tablet, but you can talk and listen as well. You will stay connected while enjoying any outdoor activity.
DryCASE Folio Waterproof iPad Case Features: